Connection and Phrasing
Step into the world of Balboa with Giedre and Camille’ in the "Connection and Phrasing" workshop.
Everything will start with the breath, and we'll see how it can deepen our connection and be a tool for musicality. Taking the time to let the music fill us and inform our frame, tones, pulsations and textures. Paying attention to phrasing by linking body breathing and musical breathing. Consider the breath as a line running through the whole song, letting it inform the lines and shapes we draw in space with our bodies and centres. Bringing in real contrasts to colour this experience that we are here to share with our partners.
Post-workshop, the dance floor at Velvet stays open for social dancing until 19:00. You can also have dinner and drinks in Velvet's cozy environment. Note that it is a cocktail, drinks and food place, not a burlesque club any more! :)
Practical Information
Instructor: Giedre and Camille
When: 15.30 - 17.00 Saturday 28th January
Where: Velvet (Andra Långgatan 34, 413 27 Göteborg)
How to join: Sign-up required! Up to 25 followers & 25 leaders
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